Liability of parent for lack of supervision; parents beware!

An interesting judgment of the Rotterdam District Court, in which the father of a minor claimed that it should be established that the father had acted unlawfully towards his minor son. The ultimate aim was, of course, that the minor son would be able to claim compensation for his damages from his father’s liability insurer […]

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Is an employer liable for the consequences of a burnout?

The short answer is “yes”, but in practice it is quite difficult. Employers are already quickly liable for damage that an employee suffers during work. Employers have a duty of care towards their employees and must prevent employees from suffering damage in the performance of their duties. The Dutch Supreme Court has already ruled in […]

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Breakdown on holiday

You have everything booked, your belongings already packed, and you are ready to go on holiday. You have arrived at your destination and are enjoying your holiday, but unfortunately you suffer personal injury during your holiday, confronting you with medical expenses, for example. Do you have to bear all these costs yourself? The real question […]

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Compensation for pain and suffering: A Band-Aid on the wound

What is compensation for pain and suffering? When you experience a negative event, you feel bad. If you are injured in a traffic or work accident, you experience pain, stress, and discomfort. If someone insults you and spreads lies about you, you are naturally angry. The same is true when someone violates your privacy. You […]

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